Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week!

I DID NOT get milk at the grocery store and get four dollars cash back JUST so I could run to Starbucks without anyone knowing! Nope, not me. And I most certainly did NOT load all three kids in the car to make the longer drive to the drive-thru Starbucks so I wouldn't have to get everyone out and back in...nope...

I did not change the clock in Gizmo's room by an hour so that he would be tricked into staying in his room during rest/naptime longer...

I am positive it was not me who ate chocolate cake for breakfast and told the whining children that they needed healthy food because they were still growing and could have chocolate cake for breakfast when they were all grown up like way!

And finally I am certain that I DID NOT call Carters and tell them my kids were having a reaction to the tagless labels so that I could get a refund check on clothing I was about to take to the consignment shop...not me!!

I love Mondays.


  1. I had cookies with peanut butter on them for breakfast...but luckily my daughter is only 2.5 months old so she can't try and eat my 'mommy snacks' yet!

  2. can do that? Call Carter's and get a refund check I mean?

  3. Yes!! According to all the message boards and two friends I know personally, if you have any of the Fall 07 tagless label clothes, you can call and ask to return them. They mail you an envelope and then they send you a check.

  4. Wow- good to know! I don't have any Carter's clothes in my house anymore, but for some reason I feel like that tidbit of info is important to store in my memory bank.
